Today’s writing prompt is easy to describe, but more time intensive than those I have previously presented. Start by picking a topic. The topic can be something you are interested in learning more about. It can be part of a project or school assignment you are working on. You can even ask a friend to decide upon a random topic.
Once you have a topic in mind, research it. Go to the library or use Google and gather a list of interesting facts and related events. During the course of your research keep an eye open for items that lend themselves to a story. Then put them all together.
I have a few sample topics below that I gathered by doing a Google search on “trending topics.” The same method works for Buzzfeed, Twitter, Facebook, ETC.
Alexander Hamilton
Argentina VS. Bolivia (Soccer)
Red Hot Chili Peppers
D.C. Primary
I picked chili peppers peppers—the actual peppers, not the band. Chili peppers originated in the Americas. After the Columbian Exchange, use of the chili pepper spread all over the world as both a food and a medicine. They were grown in the gardens of Portuguese monasteries and the Christian monks experimented with the spicy vegetable. The peppers became so popular that they were used as currency during the 15th Century.
Hot Conversion – Life in a 15th century monastery has its own special challenges. Diego wants to do God’s work, but struggles with the quiet tedium that is expected. That changes when he is placed on kitchen duty and discovers chili peppers at the local market. In a fever of culinary discover he develops a recipe with the chilies that attracts members of the community to the church. When the Abbott declares the spicy chilies to be the “Devil’s Food” a dispute breaks out that threatens to tear both the church and the community apart.