My lovely daughter, Lucy (also pictured below), turned out to be consummate sales person. She connected especially well with the other young women and sold more books than the rest of the crew combined. Way to go, Lucy.
Thanks to Daelyn Skousen (pictured below) for letting her husband come out and play all weekend. I don't know what I would have done without all three of these amazing individuals.
I didn't do the panels alone. Adrienne Quintana, T. M. Williams, and Matthew Cerra were also part of the fun and education. The four of us had excellent chemistry together and several requests were made by the audience to have us return next year. Thanks guys for all your insightful writing advice and willingness to participate.
Battlementals: Pounce and the Riddle of Fire is a novel that takes place in the Battlemental universe, but follows the adventures of a young Saber cub named Pounce. It will be a perma-free book and you can sign up for it on my other website. ( It will have some wonderful artwork inside and is the first in a series of six stories with Battlementals as the main characters.
The Devastation: America Crumbles is the third novel in The Gathering series and is the best one so far. I expect to release that towards the end of summer. It has been two years since the last book in the series was released and I know there are a lot of fans waiting to find out what happens to Robert and the rest of the Williams family.
Closer to the end of the year I will be releasing my first novel under a pen name. While I don't write anything with foul language or sexual content, the stories I write under my alias will be grittier and have more violence than the stories I have already published. More on the alias and title in later posts, but it is the first novel I wrote and people have been asking me for years to publish it.