What writing projects you ask?
I am more than happy to share my latest adventures with you. Let me lead off with news of the upcoming release for the second City of the Gods anthology. My good friend, M. Scott Verne, created a story setting where all of the ancient gods from mythology still exist and continue in their godly politics. I am fortunate enough to have two stories appearing in this volume. Here is the art that will be accompanying my first story, Bloody Hektor.
In my opinion, what makes the City of the Gods books so great is that in addition to the fantasy stories that M. has collected from various authors, there is original art pieces from Steve Crompton to help you visualize each of the tales. The books appease the eyes as well as the mind.
My second story, once again, involves Coyote the trickster god. This time Loki is out to put the upstart savage in his place. If you read my first story with Coyote and liked it I’m pretty sure you’re going to love this one.
Follow this link to find out more about Mythic Tales 2.
The last two months have been crazy busy for me. For some reason I decided to write a play while I worked on the edits for my latest novel. I finished Nine Months with Angels and am currently looking for a composer to work with me on the project. If all goes well I will be producing the play sometime in 2015.
I will post updates on this project as it develops.
Lately, everyone seems to be asking me when I’m going to finish the next book in The Gathering series. Apparently, folks are interested in finding out what happens next to Calvin McCord and the Williams family. I had planned to announce that I finished the manuscript and sent it in to Cedar Fort two weeks ago. The early response from my beta-readers is that this sequel is even better than the first novel.
But something happened this morning to change all that. I no longer plan to make that particular announcement. Instead, I am thrilled to tell everyone that Cedar Fort has decided to publish The Gathering: Nations Fall.
I don’t have a release date yet and the title is subject to change, but hopefully this will be good news for all of you who have asked me about writing a sequel.
Whew. Now I just need to go and write an entire middle-grade novel.