All I had to do was say yes immediately and then wake up at 3:45 in the morning and drive down to the library with all my books. Of course I said yes. And here is a clip of my experience.
I hadn't planned on posting another article about the Tempe Library Comicon, but sometimes things happen that you just have to tell everyone about. When I returned home from my weekly meeting with my critique group I had a message waiting for me. Channel 12, the local NBC affiliate, was doing a promo for the event on their morning show and the library wanted me to represent the local authors. All I had to do was say yes immediately and then wake up at 3:45 in the morning and drive down to the library with all my books. Of course I said yes. And here is a clip of my experience.
How many of you have heard the term Comicon and wondered what all the excitement was about? You probably have seen pictures of people dressed up in all sorts of strange and outlandish costumes as part of the media coverage of such events. And every passing year this encroachment of Nerdom into the lives of ordinary citizens gets harder to ignore. Well, here's your chance to stop ignoring it and see a Comicon for yourself. The Tempe library is holding their annual version of Comicon and it is open to the public. There is no cost associated with the event which removes the only real barrier anyone should have from attending. (Unless you are one of those silly people who think you can get Nerd Cooties by associating with costume clad celebrants. What do you do at a Comicon? If you're brave enough you can dress up as your favorite character from comics, television, movies, or books. However, for those of you who aren't ready to take the big step into cosplay (costume play) then there is still plenty to do. You can have your picture taken with the wacky people in costume, you can visit with local artists and authors, you can attend panels on a variety of subjects in the realms of fantasy and science fiction, and there will be activities for the children. Here's your chance to find a kindred spirit who shares your love for Thundarr the Barbarian - or is that just me? Did I mention that you can meet local artists and authors at the event? I'll be there with several of my fellow Typeractive authors to sign books and talk with fans. That includes Brock Booher (Healing Stone and The Charity Chip), Laura L. Walker (Pierced By Love and The Matchup), Marilee Jackson (Midnight Runner), and the wonderful Janette Rallison/C. J. Hill (Slayers, My Fairly Dangerous Godmother, and many, many more).
You can find out all about it at this link Hope to see you there. ![]() My author friend Laura Walker has her second book coming out this month. Being as she is such an awesome person I wanted to help get out the word about its release. Laura writes LDS romances (which is code for clean romances). Laura grew up in Southern Arizona. She met her husband, Rob, at Northern Arizona University where she earned her bachelor degree in Elementary Education. She considers raising their six children together to be the best full-time job she'll ever have. At the end of a busy day of running them around to their various practices and events, Laura likes to curl up with a good book or write one of her own. You can find out more about Laura on her website This is what The Matchup is all about: The last thing Valerie wants or needs is to work for her childhood tormentor, Gage. But Valerie’s husband walked out on her and her children. Now she needs a job. Gage, on the other hand, has just taken custody of his four-year-old son and is swamped trying to balance his career, be a daddy, and fix past mistakes. Together they discover that when it comes to the Church and each other, it’s all about second chances. This sweet romance will renew your faith in love and redemption. And if that wasn't enough to convince all of you romance fans to pickup a copy of The Matchup, then here's an excerpt from the story.
The grim line of Gage's mouth told her all she needed to know about to about how he felt about missions. He obviously hasn't come back into the Church, she thought sadly. He was one against the world, a feeling she was very familiar with lately. For some strange reason, the thought made Valerie want to wrap her arms around him. Which, of course, she would never do. "What's wrong, Gage?" He shrugged as if whatever was bothering him was of no consequence, but Valerie recognized the signs of someone in distress--the averted gaze and loud swallowing. The jawline that was tight enough to crack his teeth. And although he was obviously trying for a light tone, Valerie didn't miss the strain in his voice. "I'm just trying to figure a few things out. Mainly, I've decided that I need to file for custody of my four-year-old son, but the logistics of that change will be difficult to work around, especially where my job is concerned." She hadn't known that he'd gotten married. No sooner had that thought come when another followed, which formed a sick feeling in her stomach. What if Gage hadn't married her? You can pick up your copy of The Matchup at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Just click on either of the links and they will take your right to the spot. Here we are at the beginning of a brand new year. Overall, 2015 was a good year with the publication of my second novel, Call to Arms: Nations Fall. But that’s the past and I want to talk about the future. What is scheduled in 2016 for the StoryMan?
Land of the Battlementals is still in the hands of my publisher and waiting for their decision as to whether they want to publish it. I have an exciting marketing plan all laid-out for it when it finally is published. That includes a website where I plan to post a weekly comic based on a few of the wacky creatures you can find in the book, a test to see which of the elements a person is most closely associated with, and plenty of school and Comic Con visits. Hopefully, I’ll have good news on that front—soon. Red Mountain library has signed me up for a series of workshops in 2016. Starting in March, I will be helping authors in the pursuit of their writing dream with the first of four workshops, Heroic Journeys. Based on the storytelling elements established by Joseph Campbell the workshop explores the age-old pattern found in most stories. With Starting on the Publishing Trail, I share my experiences in getting published in the hopes of helping new writers to do the same. Jumpstart Your Creative Juices is my most popular workshop and in it we work together to develop new story ideas. And finally, Heroes, Know Thyself is designed to help authors create fully-realized characters. Check my Author Events page for the dates and if you are in the greater Phoenix area I encourage you to come on out and have fun. Tempe Library Comic Con is happening January 23rd at the Tempe library. Dress up as your favorite fictional character and stop by my table to visit with me and several of the Arizona authors who also published with Cedar Fort. Pssst . . . I’ll be in costume. Red Mountain Library will be having its annual Author Fair on February 27th. Last year, more than 50 local authors attended the event. This is your chance to meet the East Valley author community face-to-face and ask questions about your favorite book or just see what the writer really looks like. LDStoryMakers Conference is May 6th -7th in Provo, Utah. I will be attending. This year I actually have an official capacity with the conference. (I’m not sure if I’m allowed to tell everyone what it is though.) I look forward to visiting with any of you who are also attending the event. ANWA Writing Conference is September 15th – 17th in Mesa. I hope to be officially involved with the event, but will be attending even if I’m not. This is a good opportunity for Arizona writers to network and improve their craft. Ready – Set – Write was a success in 2015 so we are doing it again. More details as we get closer to the event, but you can mark your calendars for October 22nd and expect a full day of writing tips intended to prepare you for the NaNoWriMo challenge in November. Did I hear someone ask about the third book in the Gathering series? Well, even if I didn’t I have news on that front as well. I plan to be finished with the first draft by June and think this will be even better than book two. Robert, John, Sarah, and Calvin will all be returning as viewpoint characters along with Sierra. Nine Months With Angels is a musical that I wrote in 2014. Since then I have obtained the music for the play. I plan to move forward and have the play produced in 2016. And for those of you who don’t know what the play is about here is the elevator pitch for it: Four angels keep their friend Alicia company while she is in the womb, waiting to be born. They aren’t just passing time, the five of them are on a journey of self-discovery. Trick Racy is a middle-grade novel I am co-authoring with a talented lady. I plan to resume work on that project and seek a publisher for it by the end of the year. Whew, that’s it—for now at least. The great thing about life is you never can tell what is waiting for you around the corner. New possibilities, new projects, new friends. I hope your year promises to be every bit as exciting as I hope mine will. |
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