Well, here's your chance to stop ignoring it and see a Comicon for yourself. The Tempe library is holding their annual version of Comicon and it is open to the public. There is no cost associated with the event which removes the only real barrier anyone should have from attending. (Unless you are one of those silly people who think you can get Nerd Cooties by associating with costume clad celebrants.
What do you do at a Comicon? If you're brave enough you can dress up as your favorite character from comics, television, movies, or books. However, for those of you who aren't ready to take the big step into cosplay (costume play) then there is still plenty to do. You can have your picture taken with the wacky people in costume, you can visit with local artists and authors, you can attend panels on a variety of subjects in the realms of fantasy and science fiction, and there will be activities for the children. Here's your chance to find a kindred spirit who shares your love for Thundarr the Barbarian - or is that just me?
You can find out all about it at this link http://www.tempe.gov/city-hall/community-services/tempe-public-library/library-comicon.
Hope to see you there.