There has been a gap between the publication of Book 3 and my starting on Book 4. Most of that deals with the fact that I wrote, published, and promoted my memoir, The Milkman's Son, during that time. But so much is happening in the world today and I can no longer put off writing what I feel will be important messages during the time ahead.
I'm finding that I have a problem that I didn't have with the previous books. I feel that time is running out. Events, like the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread riots are happening at a rapid rate. Essentially, events are happening faster than I can write about them.
My solution is to blog about the events taking place. Expect to see regular posts about the events that are affecting our lives and my thoughts on how they might be related to The Second Coming of the Savior. This will allow me to cover many of the topics and events that I won't be able to fit into my book.
The blog posts are not meant to be the ramblings of a conspiracy theorist. I'm also not a prophet. I'm a writer and my series is about what could happen in our near future. And that is what my blog posts will be about. The imaginative musings of an author about what might possibly happen in our near future.
I already have some events in mind to write about and plan to post on a weekly basis. Or whenever something potentially ominous happens. I hope it will be entertaining. Maybe it will be insightful.