Here is a brief explanation of the plan that the State Department uses to flip countries to a government more in line with our, the United States, goals and our advantage.
1) A Fascist regime. The idea is to replace the bad guy in charge. If you look objectively at the evidence, it is obvious that the United States is not a fascist regime and President Trump is not Semi-Autocratic Despot. But the news networks and social media depict Trump as fascist and compares him to Hitler. They took great pains to paint Trump as a bad guy.
2) An Unpopular Leader. In order for a group to replace the current system of government, they must first ensure that the public wants to replace their leader for something they believe will be better for them. Look at how all of the news media depict President Trump. Look at the rules that are in place by all of the social media platforms. Views that talk about Trump in a negative way are allowed and those that support the President are often blocked and the accounts banned. This is an effort to turn Trump into an unpopular leader.
3) United and Organized Opposition. In order to have the current system of government replaced, there needs to be an organized resistance working against it. We have that in plenty. ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the news outlets, social media, and the Democratic party. All of these groups actively oppose the Republicans and specifically President Trump.
4) Effective System to Convince Public of Early Voter Fraud. This step is designed to undermine the populations confidence in the system. To convince them that a fair and democratic election is not possible and therefore they need to replace the current system for one that will work. Look at the content of the messages from the news outlets. The Democratic Party has been warning of voter fraud since this summer. This creates a predisposition that President Trump cannot legitimately win the election.
5) Media to Alert Citizens of Voter Fraud. This is where we are now in the battle plan to destroy the Constitution. It includes actual voter fraud to show the public that the election has been comprised. That the country needs to move to a new system because the current one is broken.
Accusations of voter fraud abound. Ballots from dead people. A ballot from someone who would be 170 years old if they were still alive. A batch of over 120,000 ballots that are 100% for one candidate. You would think that anyone interested in cheating a win for their side would be a little more careful about how they worked the extra votes into the system. Unless, they want it widely known that voter fraud exists.
6) Political Opposition to Mobilize 1000s. We are at this part of the plan as well. Biden has threatened the use of military forces if Trump does not exit office in a timely manner. ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter have mobilized thousands to riot and terrorize the American citizens. Widespread looting and destruction of businesses occurs on a nightly basis.
This step serves two purposes. The first to frightened the citizens and convince them to accept a new form of government that will protect them from the violence. The second is to put troops in the battlefield. Not all of the rioters are committed to the cause, but there are definitely thousands who consider themselves soldiers of the revolution. Not convinced, then watch this vide.
7) Division Among Military and Police. If it is unclear who has actually won the election then law enforcement (police and the military) will be divided on who they should take their orders. This prevents the forces that we rely upon to stop the chaos from doing their job. It leaves us without adequate protection and could even result in the force of good being used against one another and the good citizens of the country.
All of this sets the stage for the new regime to take over. Listen to what is said on the news and by the Democratic Party. That is exactly what they are proposing. And before you suggest that the Democratic Party is part of the current regime, take a look what they plan to do if they win the election. Pack the Supreme Court. Add more states to the Union. Get rid of the filibuster. All of these are designed to ensure that the new and radical Democratic Party remains in charge of the country by preventing the minority from having any say in what happens. If they succeed, we will be living in a dystopian movie.
What’s the point?
We are the heroes of our own story. We are the heroes of this story. Brace yourself for the revolution. And let’s work together to keep America the land of the free.