Here is a playlist of the songs I’m using while writing the untitled third book in The Gathering series.
Robert has been my go-to guy for action. That isn’t going to change. When I write combat scenes I want something with a heavy beat that really makes my pulse race. While not really dark enough for the story in Book 3 I still like I Feel Love by the Blue Man Group and Venus Hum.
If you’ve been following the series so far then you know Robert is not a muscle-headed action star. He has a romantic side as well. When a scene involves Robert pining over Sierra being so far away I play I Would Walk 500 Miles by the Proclaimers. In this case, both the music and lyrics inspire Robert’s storyline.
John hasn’t gone anywhere in Book 3. He’s still in Camp Valiant, dealing with a changing world. The song that inspires me for this storyline takes a familiar song and catapults it into the next century. I have a Mormons in Space story I plan to write—eventually—and this tunes puts into my mind images of ships blasting off and then streaking through space. Ye Elders Of Israel by Vista 4.

Then when I’m done playing nice with Calvin I put on Twilight Zone by Golden Earring. (If you can find a censored version of the video it really fits the mood of Calvin’s story.)
When I’m looking to write witty banter between two characters I like to play A Little Less Conversation by Elvis Presley. Is this faster paced than most of your normal conversations? Not mine. As far as I’m concerned this is what most conversations should feel like—in life and in literature.
Sarah should have rejoined her family when she had the chance. Now she is stuck in a storyline where Radioactive by Imagine Dragons feels appropriate for what’s happening to her. More than any other song this one best represent Book 3 as a whole.
It’s important to keep in mind that God is at the center of everything that will happen prior to the Millennium. When I want to add a spiritual element to the story I listen to Rock Of Ages by Jason Waller.
For those times when I’ve had enough drama, sorrow, action, and intrigue I take an emotional break from the story and listen to You Can’t Stop The Beat from the Hairspray Soundtrack. A couple of plays of this upbeat song and I’m ready to face the end of the world once again.