As you can see from my last posting, I have started work on the fourth and final story in the series. However, the material I had planned to use in a book 4 and a book 5 is going to be crammed into a single novel. I just don’t feel that I have the time to write two books before many of the events I believe are to come are upon us.
Even if I had the time, there’s too much that is happening in the world today for me to use all of it as part of my story of hope and encouragement. I want to address the events of the news while they are still fresh in our minds. What that means is that I plan (hope) to blog about the apocalypse.
Some of you are probably out there saying, “Don’t you mean you’ll be blogging about the future apocalypse?” The answer is, “No.” We are in the midst of The Apocalypse. Alright, probably more like the start of the apocalypse. Take a look at these images. This is America, as taken from recent news reports. If this isn’t an apocalypse, then tell me what is.
Minneapolis Riot.
Image courtesy of Boston Review.net.
The purpose of this blog is the same as my reason for writing The Gathering. Events of the Last Days have been prophesied so the faithful can be prepared. Knowing what to expect will make it easier to deal with the trials we will face.
While the material I draw upon for my stories is based on the words of the prophets, I am not one myself. I am only a storyteller, trying to make sense of what is happening around me in light of what the prophets have said. Some of my guesses in the first two books have been reasonably accurate and others have not. But that is all they are – guesses.
The Apocalypse Blog will feature news items that are worth examining. I might offer a few suggestions on how each of the events could affect our lives and our future lives, but I leave it to you to ponder their significance.
Expect to see the first post as soon as an item in the news grabs my attention. Or in other words, expect to see that soon.

Image courtesy of Star Tribune.

Image courtesy of CNN