When Russian positioned themselves to move against the Ukraine, I gave myself a little pat on the back for having guessed that one correctly. With so many world-ending scenarios to pick from my plotting for the series is like playing the death-lotto. We have the crazy leader of North Korea who could plunge the world into destructive chaos over an imagined slight. The disputed island in the South China sea has all sorts of potential to escalate out of control, dragging in nation-after-nation. Then, of course, we have the ever popular and extremely volatile Middle-East. The number of scenarios in that region alone provide the fodder for dozens of plotlines.
On Friday, 129 people died in Paris from terrorist attacks launched by ISIS. I didn't see that one coming. Maybe my mind is stuck in a different era where countries declare war on countries rather than a global war of ideologies. And maybe I should have seen it.
France quickly retaliated against the terrorist attacks with bombing runs from 12 of its Mirage fighters, the U.S. has pounded Syria with airstrikes, even Anonymous declared war on these monsters. The terrorist threaten to attack Washington next. Is that an empty threat or an escalation of war?
This tragedy has affected me in the same way I imagine it has affected most of the world; shocked, sickened, outraged, and more than a little bit concerned about what lies ahead. So today, I'm reminded that this is how the end of the world actually feels.
My prayers go out to those who are experiencing it firsthand.