This week I am happy to announce the formation of the Apocalypse Panel. Why have just one author spouting crazy ideas about the end of the world when you can have seven of them? That’s right, I have been able to convince six other authors to join me in making all of you just a little more nervous about the current events we see on the news each night.
What we plan to do is tackle a question each month that relates to the apocalypse. At first, these questions will come from within the group, but I am hoping that as the Panel gains popularity our fans will submit them instead. With seven us involved you can expect some interesting responses.
Since you already know me let me introduce the other members of the Apocalypse Panel to you.
Angie Lofthouse
Angie went to school for particle physics, but ended up studying literature. This served her well in her career as a science-fiction writer. She lives in a little canyon and the base of the WasatchMountains and there plots the end of the world. Just in her books, not for really-real.
Her stories have appeared in NFG AlienSkin, Amazing Journeys, The Sword Review, Dragons, Knights and Angels, Irreantum, and Unparalleled Journeys. However, it is her novel, Defenders of the Covenant, which landed her a spot on the panel.
Wayne Roux
Wayne brings an international element to the panel. He hails from South Africa and started writing when he was about 15. He has written two books and his novel, December Dead, depicts a mother and son fighting not only for their own existence, but that of the
entire human race.
He has two books out and a third on the way.
Margot Hovely
Margot was raised in Washington State, across the river from the Hanford nuclear facility. As a kid during the Cold War she had plenty of “duck and cover” exercises at school. So, she grew up thinking about the apocalypse more than your average child.
Her first novel, Sudden Darkness, was published by Covenant in 2012 and the next the series, Glimmering Light, is due out later this month. Both of those stories had their birth when Margot wondered what it would be like if the Mormons made their trek back
to Missouriwithout vehicles.
Daron Fraley
Daron is from Wyoming, but has moved around a bit since then. He has visited
France, Switzerland, Canada, Mexico, San Juan, St Thomas, and the Bahamas. He
describes himself as a writer by night and a Senior Data Center Engineer by day.
It is rumored that he once fixed a gas clothes dryer with photocopier parts. A
real-life McGuyver? You decide.
He has two novels out Thirty-Six and The Thorn, but it is his novella, Son of Liberty, that landed him his spot on the panel. His focus tends to be on the political aspects
of the apocalypse so expect some interesting insights in that area.
Tim Malone
Tim runs a blog that deals with a variety of LDS topics. His articles on The Last Days is the reason I asked him to participate in the panel. He is also working on a novel, Red Sky, that answers the question: what would we do if the sky actually fell? And for those of you, like me, who were wondering—Chicken Little is not the protagonist.
Anthony Larson
Anthony is a freelance journalist, a video producer, and a composer who brings something unique to the panel. He doesn’t write fiction. His books explain the relationship between science and the signs of the last days.
And the Moon Shall Turn to Blood, describes the catastrophic changes that will occur during the upcoming apocalypse. These are connected to the prophecies dealing with the events of the last dispensation. It is the first book in the Prophecy Trilogy.
That’s the panel. Now, for our first question.
Which situation or event that is currently happening do you think most easily could result in the apocalypse?
Check back next week to find out how everyone responded. And feel free to add your thoughts to the end-of-the-world smorgasbord as well.