The bad news is that life as we knew it is over as well.
What happens next is going to happen fast. Government (both Democrat and Republican), big tech, the media, and the progressive movement want to divide the people. They want to strip all power from anyone who doesn’t accept their views. Obviously, that means the conservatives and the moderates, but surprisingly it includes factions within the movement.
Mayor Bowser is already pushing to make D.C. a state within the first 100 days of the Biden presidency. A move that will ensure that Democrats will permanently control both Congress and the Senate. This will eliminate the ability of conservatives to push for laws they want and to have their voices heard.
The Left is calling for expanding the number of seats on the Supreme Court. Another maneuver intended to weaken conservatives. This specific course of action will make it impossible for anyone disagreeing with the establishment to have their grievances fairly heard or to stop the unconstitutional activities of those in government. It is another prong of the attack to have opposing voices silenced.
Big Tech and the media are going all out to do their part in subjugating the American citizens they hate. Here’s a partial list:
- Apple has threated to remove Parler from its iOS if they don’t censor the content of the users on the platform to meet the progressive left’s standard. An act that would have Parler waive the same Section 230 protection that Apple intends to retain. Google also plans to follow this course of action.
- Twitter and Facebook have shut down the accounts of President Trump, Michael Flynn, and Sydney Powell. More account bans to follow.
- CNN is pressuring the six major cable companies to drop FOX news.
- Conservative platforms, like Daily Caller, are having their followers removed, preventing people who have actively searched for other news sources from hearing anything the doesn’t fit the progressive narrative.
- President-elect Biden wants to prosecute “domestic terrorists.” Which is anyone in government or a place of influence who supported Trump. To be clear, this means putting people in jail if they disagree with the left and dare to speak their mind.
- Mozilla is calling for a retooling of the entire internet. They claim that silencing and de-platforming the President is not enough. What that means is they want to prevent other voices from being heard, making it impossible for anyone who opposes their views from having the ability to build their own platform and distributing information to those who want to hear it. Mozilla calls for more censorship and more voter disenfranchisement for conservatives.
The people of the United States, and even the world, are being divided. That shouldn’t be a surprise. It was meant to happen. The great divide will continue to happen. It cannot be stopped. It is part of God’s plan. These events separate the wheat from the tares. This is a necessary step towards the Second Coming of Jesus.
Doctrine and Covenants, Section 1: 13-14
13. And the anger of the Lord is kindled, and his sword is bathed in heaven, and it shall fall upon the inhabitants of the earth.
14. And the arm of the Lord shall be revealed; and the day cometh that they who will not hear the voice of the Lord, neither the voice of his servants, neither give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles, shall be cut off from among the people.
(Image courtesy of The Western Journal)
Last week, a mob stormed the Capital. Violence ensued and, at least, 4 people died. Violence is not the solution. I condemn the actions of those individuals who broke the law. But, this event did something else as well. It broke the system. It showed us that we cannot expect help from the Republican party. The Republicans will not save us.
What we need is to form the Constitutionalist Party. Maybe we don’t need to name it exactly that, but we need to all of the people who believe the Constitution is a divinely inspired plan for a good and fair government to gather under that banner.
Conservatives. Moderates. Liberals. All of us who recognize the Constitution as the best set of rules we have to live peacefully together. We don’t need two parties that divide us based on our beliefs. What we need is to work together, in one party, to make decisions. Allow conservatives to disagree with liberals and moderates. Allow liberals to offer ideas that the other two groups might not normally consider. Allow moderates to use their in-the-middle mindset to find potential flaws in the suggestions the two ends of the spectrum make. Working together, we can use our differences to make decisions that will work the best for everyone.
My second suggestion is to move to platforms where freedom of speech still exists. Support these platforms. If you wait until you are banned and censored it maybe too late to do anything about it. Then none of us will have the right to be heard. Parler is an alternate social platform. As the censorship increases on Facebook, Twitter, and the other progressive platforms, I see more and more people migrating to Parler.
President Trump has hinted about taking steps towards providing alternative places for the American people to be heard. Support that effort. Of course, you may have to be on Parler or subscribed directly to one of the conservative feeds to hear anything about that.
And finally, embrace opposing ideas. You don’t have to accept their views, but embrace the beauty of a world where people can disagree and then, by working through those differences, we come up with truly great ideas that work for all of us instead of some of us. My wife and I don’t see eye-to-eye on a lot of issues. I have friends in the arts community who have vastly different political views from myself. We don’t try to silence one another. We respect the right for the other to believe something different. And the great thing about that is they often present ideas to me that I would have never considered. Sometimes, better ideas. At other times, their views give me a new perspective that sets me off on a new line of thought that eventually leads to a solution I never would have considered without their input.
A person isn’t bad because they think differently from us. They are just different.